The shadow of window blinds on a Leesa mattress

Cool It Down In The Bedroom


Why Cooler Temps Equal Better Sleep

There are a million “remedies” and strange sleep tips out there, but this tip actually has some scientific backing: Set your thermostat between 60-67 degrees to get a better night’s sleep. If you already like your near-arctic temps in the bedroom, we’re about to give you some ammo to use against your spouse’s pleas to warm it up.

But first, let’s explore why temperature matters so much. You might have been told that unless you’re sick your body is always at 96.8 degrees, but the truth is that your body temperature fluctuates throughout the day. Typically, we’re at our warmest in the late afternoon and coolest around 5:00 am, a few hours before getting up. It’s no coincidence that your deepest sleep happens around then too.

A 2011 study found that a cooling cap helped insomniacs get better sleep than they’d had in years, and researchers from the National Institutes of Health found that sleeping in a cool room could help people increase their metabolisms and stay at a healthy weight. Dutch researchers established that cooler temps helped induce their study participants to sleep deeply for longer than those who slept in warm environments. The effect was especially pronounced for the young and elderly participants who tended to be more sensitive to temperature changes.

Luckily, our designers did their research when they created the Leesa mattress. The top 2-inch layer of the Leesa mattress is made of premium, cooling foam, a polyurethane foam that’s designed to allow constant airflow throughout the night for a cooler night’s sleep. It's eco-friendly and 100% recyclable, so it fits with the core vision of our company, and hypoallergenic in case you’ve got sensitive skin or allergies.

What’s the moral? Turning your thermostat down to between 60-67 degrees will help you take advantage of several health benefits, including getting a better night’s sleep. Getting that rest on a Leesa wouldn’t hurt, either.